Eli5: If I jump on the side of the earth facing the sun, will I jump higher than on the side facing away from the sun?


Eli5: If I jump on the side of the earth facing the sun, will I jump higher than on the side facing away from the sun?

In: 1

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The other answers here neglect the fact that you, like the Earth, *are in free-fall around the sun*. You do not feel the Sun’s gravity for the most part, because you (and the Earth) are “already falling” in it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The earth diameter, plus your jump, and your weight compared to the distance to the sun probably make it imperceptible.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Technically yes. You’re jumping in the direction of the gravitational pull of the sun. Obviously it’s absolutely minuscule and irrelevant in any macro measurement.

Anonymous 0 Comments


The sun pulls on you stronger than it does the Earth when the sun is above you. This causes you to jump higher.

When you’re on the far side, the sun pulls on the Earth stronger than it does on you, causing the Earth to ‘fall away from you’ slightly, again boosting your jump.

It is sunrise and sunset where your jump has the least height to it.

Though, really, the moon has more of an impact.

It’s just like the tides.

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Anonymous 0 Comments
