eli5 If matter cannot be destroyed or created, how does space constantly expand?


Maybe I’m misinformed about this. But I was always told matter cannot be destroyed or created. But I have been told space is constantly expanding. Is this expansion of space not made up of “matter”? Where does it come from?

In: 282

34 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well this is often confusing based on semantics. Sometimes when ppl talk about expansion from big bang they are talking about how far the stuff that was in the big bang has spread since the “bang”. We think we know how long ago said bang occurred, 13.8 billion years. Nothing new has been created in those 13.8 billion years, it is all just getting more spread out, both matter and heat. Now why does it constantly expand? It is possible that it wont continue to expand. Scientists theorize how much force was involved in the bang. If the total weight of all this stuff is heavy enough then the effects of gravity will slow the expansion to zero and then contract. If the total weight is lower than some number then the force of the bang will go forever. Scientist believe they know what this target weight is.

Thats as close to five year old i can get atm.

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