eli5 – If RNA was created by a soup of chemicals, is it possible that it’s being randomly created in pockets around the world? and could those random rna strands create life out of nowhere?


Sorry If these questions are stupid, I was just randomly thinking about how rna started.

In: 329

67 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

There was no life before life, so when those chemicals formed life, they did so in a sterile world. Now, those same chemicals would be food.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Check out research/theories about “shadow biospheres” on Earth:


Anonymous 0 Comments

Check out research/theories about “shadow biospheres” on Earth:


Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re talking like primordial ooze type stuff man. Like the part you’re taking about already happened a loooooong time ago, like millions of years before dinosaurs even.

Think of the first life as someone building a car from scratch with no knowledge. After millions of tries.. they’ll end up with a car that drives eventually. Now that the cars built.. it just upgrades. Same with life on earth.. species are still evolving with natural selection but it’s not starting from scratch..it’s working with what it already has and just improving it through literal trial and error (on a big scale).

Aaaand now that I’m typing all that I’ll bet there’s something on like the bacteria level that can do something similar to what you describe but.. I dunno🤷‍♂️

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re talking like primordial ooze type stuff man. Like the part you’re taking about already happened a loooooong time ago, like millions of years before dinosaurs even.

Think of the first life as someone building a car from scratch with no knowledge. After millions of tries.. they’ll end up with a car that drives eventually. Now that the cars built.. it just upgrades. Same with life on earth.. species are still evolving with natural selection but it’s not starting from scratch..it’s working with what it already has and just improving it through literal trial and error (on a big scale).

Aaaand now that I’m typing all that I’ll bet there’s something on like the bacteria level that can do something similar to what you describe but.. I dunno🤷‍♂️

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of it as 0 and 1s floating everywhere.

can they float randomly and eventually connect to one another and form a “functioning” line of code? Yes, but the odds are ridiculously small.

Earth, when engulfed in a soup of 0 and 1 still took billions of years for life to occur.

In today’s climate, while you have much less places with the same soup and condition, can it happen? sure, but the chance is lower than a meteor hitting you on the head as you are driving.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of it as 0 and 1s floating everywhere.

can they float randomly and eventually connect to one another and form a “functioning” line of code? Yes, but the odds are ridiculously small.

Earth, when engulfed in a soup of 0 and 1 still took billions of years for life to occur.

In today’s climate, while you have much less places with the same soup and condition, can it happen? sure, but the chance is lower than a meteor hitting you on the head as you are driving.

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