eli5 If sound can break glass by resonating with it, what sound would resonate with bone or meat

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eli5 If sound can break glass by resonating with it, what sound would resonate with bone or meat

In: Physics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Glass is a fairly uniform material so has a single resonance frequency bone and muscles are complex materials and don’t have a single resonance frequency. https://youtu.be/l2QVRkF0d2M

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bone is packed in meat, which is a good cushion. You can make flab resonate at a few Hz, but it can easily dissipate the energy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Great points above. Bone is ~relatively flexible, to a point. Its matrix or framework is collagen (very flexible) and the mineralization of hydroxyapatite (calcium phosphate) fills and builds around this collagen matrix.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here’s a fun fact about cats: Researchers found a low-frequency hum of purring at 25–50 Hertz could stimulate muscles and even promote bone healing.