Eli5 If the equation for force is F=ma why does dropping the same object from 2 different heights change how much an object would be crushed? 2.96K viewsDecember 31, 2023 Question100.55K October 24, 2023 0 Comments In science one year, we did a test of dropping a water bottle from different heights over a Pringle, and we had to protect the Pringle with a paper. But how would increasing the height increase the force is the mass and acceleration is the same? In: 152 29 Answers ActiveNewestOldest Anonymous Posted October 24, 2023 0 Comments Net force while falling is gravity (ignoring wind resistance) Reaction force while landing is related to how fast you are going and what you hit. You are viewing 1 out of 29 answers, click here to view all answers. Register or Login
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