Eli5 If the universe expanded from a single point why do scientists say its flat and not spherical?


Why would it only expand in one plane not every direction like you’d expect?

Also how is a flat universe even possible? Surely since we live in 3 dimensions the universe needs to be a 3 dimensional shape.

Im probably misunderstanding what physicists are trying to say but that’s why im here.

In: 229

35 Answers

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Take a piece of paper and draw a circle on it. Label that circle “the universe”.

Now, is the universe flat or circular? Well that depends on who you ask. If you ask yourself, it looks pretty flat, you know, like a piece of paper. But imagine someone that lives inside that circle, and they’ll say it looks like a disk.

You said “we live in 3 dimensions”. Well, are you sure about that? Are you sure it’s not 4 dimensions but since you live inside it you only see 3 of them? Because in that case, you would say that the universe looks like a sphere, even if it was really flat.

And the universe is indeed 4 dimensional. For whatever reason, we can’t see that. Confusion abounds as a result.

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