Eli5 If the universe expanded from a single point why do scientists say its flat and not spherical?


Why would it only expand in one plane not every direction like you’d expect?

Also how is a flat universe even possible? Surely since we live in 3 dimensions the universe needs to be a 3 dimensional shape.

Im probably misunderstanding what physicists are trying to say but that’s why im here.

In: 229

35 Answers

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Flat like a blanket, which is a 3D shape with top, bottom, and sides. Like a blanket stretched taut, heavy objects like planets make it sag in spots, that’s gravity. Incredibly heavy objects like black holes tear a hole right through all 3 dimensions of it. String theory (M theory) talks about whether the blanket is pulled taut or fluttering like a flag in the breeze, and how that might work

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