Just because it’s a single point doesn’t mean the force was equal in all directions. Imagine a cucumber in space with increasing pressure inside. When it finally breaks, it’s not going to break equally all over, it’s going to break at the weakest point first which is in the middle. There’s no rupture to the top and bottom, so the explosive forces don’t go in those directions. The explosive force would travel in one plane perpendicular to the length of the cucumber.
I’m not saying the big bang happened from a cucumber shaped object, but clearly, the poles were stronger (or not compromised), and we had a similar rupture along the equator.
A pool table is a 3 dimensional object, but balls stay in a plane because there’s no force that moves them out of that plane. Occasionally, you’ll have a ball that gets some odd physics and a ball jumps. Same thing with the universe. I’m sure there are some celestial objects that have gone up or down if the forces are just right.
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