eli5: If we all have the same skull shape why do our faces have different shapes?


eli5: If we all have the same skull shape why do our faces have different shapes?

In: 3

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not only do we not all have the same skull shape but forensic people can build up flesh on a found skull to make an educated guess as to what the person looked like. There is statistical data for the thicknesses of tissue in different places that allows them to construct facial muscles, etc, then clothe that with skin.

Here ‘s an illustrated description of the process:-


Anonymous 0 Comments

Not only do we not all have the same skull shape but forensic people can build up flesh on a found skull to make an educated guess as to what the person looked like. There is statistical data for the thicknesses of tissue in different places that allows them to construct facial muscles, etc, then clothe that with skin.

Here ‘s an illustrated description of the process:-


Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans don’t have the same skull shape. Tangentially related: our concept of race was derived from the work of Blumenbach, who grouped and categorized people based on phrenology (skull structure).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans don’t have the same skull shape. Tangentially related: our concept of race was derived from the work of Blumenbach, who grouped and categorized people based on phrenology (skull structure).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans don’t have the same skull shape. Tangentially related: our concept of race was derived from the work of Blumenbach, who grouped and categorized people based on phrenology (skull structure).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Follow up question: We can tell apart human faces much better than other animals, is this only because we’ve been trained to distinguish them more, like how people say “Asians all look the same” even though they don’t, or are animal faces really more similiar to each other? Maybe it’s just because fur makes it way harder to tell apart?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Follow up question: We can tell apart human faces much better than other animals, is this only because we’ve been trained to distinguish them more, like how people say “Asians all look the same” even though they don’t, or are animal faces really more similiar to each other? Maybe it’s just because fur makes it way harder to tell apart?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Follow up question: We can tell apart human faces much better than other animals, is this only because we’ve been trained to distinguish them more, like how people say “Asians all look the same” even though they don’t, or are animal faces really more similiar to each other? Maybe it’s just because fur makes it way harder to tell apart?

Anonymous 0 Comments

We have similar skulls but not the same. Artists who work with the law enforcement and other agencies can reconstruct fairly accurate faces from just skulls, using anatomical knowledge. Historically this was done with clay but now I guess it’d mainly be done with 3D computer modelling.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We have similar skulls but not the same. Artists who work with the law enforcement and other agencies can reconstruct fairly accurate faces from just skulls, using anatomical knowledge. Historically this was done with clay but now I guess it’d mainly be done with 3D computer modelling.