Eli5: If we are moving trough the galaxy, how come we see the same stars in the sky every night?


Our entire solarsystem is moving through space yet the same constellations cover our skies every night. Do these stars move with us or are they far away enough that they their movement isnt noticable to us and they look stagnant even though everything is moving?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The second. If you look at the night sky today and compare it to 2,000 years ago, you’ll see some differences.

Space is REALLY big. That’s why distances are measured in light years.

It’s also worth pointing out that while the universe is expanding, it’s not like an explosion; we are in an arm of the Milky Way galaxy and are orbiting the black hole at the centre. So all the local star systems are roughly orbiting with us. One orbit takes around 250 million years.

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