eli5 if we get energy from the food we eat does this mean the food (matter) is converted into energy ? .


I thought matter to energy conversion are only possible in nuclear reactors. Also if you’re fat and exercise to lose weight does this mean you have converted your matter into energy?

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11 Answers

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Your body gets energy from food in the same way we get energy from gasoline to power engines.

Gasoline is something called a “hydrocarbon” which can be reacted with oxygen in a “combustion reaction”. When that reaction happens, the chemical bonds in the hydrocarbon break and the potential energy in those bonds is “released” and we can use it to do work (in a gasoline engine, we use it to movie pistons).

Food also has hydrocarbons in it, (someone correct me if I’m wrong) which I beleive is what carbs are. Our body combusts/burns those carbs to get energy

Furthur, when you combust a hydrocarbon with oxygen it turns into other stuff, mainly CO2 and Water vapor. You (mostly) breath those out, which is how you loose weight

But nowhere along the way are you actually converting mass straight to energy. Again, all the energy we get from food (or any other fuel that we burn) only comes from the energy in the chemical Bonds, and all the matter just changes arrangements

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