Well, when you search for something on Google, it’s like asking a very smart computer to find information for you. Google looks at all the websites on the internet and tries to find the best and most helpful ones that match what you’re looking for.
But Google and social media websites like Facebook talk to each other in a way. They share some information. So when you search for something on Google, it might tell Facebook a little bit about what you searched for.
Then, when you go on Facebook or other social media, they use that information to show you things that you might be interested in. For example, if you searched for pictures of cats on Google, Facebook might show you cute cat pictures or videos because it knows you like cats!
It’s like when you tell your friend that you really like ice cream, and the next time you see your friend, they bring you some ice cream because they remembered. Google and social media do something similar. They remember what you’re interested in and try to show you more of it. The problem occurs when that friend starts knowing a lot more about you other than just your choice in desserts like who you are sleeping with, what kind of porn you watch, what kind of narcotics you consume, etc.
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