eli5 If we suddenly get hit with a solar flare like the Carrington Event, what would be the result and the measures to protect against it?

505 viewsOtherPlanetary Science

Kind of self explanatory in the title, but yeah, I’ve been curious about this ever since I read about the Carrington Event and how it would effect us in modern times.

In: Planetary Science

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We would have some advanced warning of the event, as the charged particles would need time to travel through space from the sun to Earth. We have monitors looking at the sun that would log such an event, and critical infrastructure could theoretically be shut down during that solar event.

However even with that, the impacts and disruption would be devistating. Food supplies, non-government communication, transportation, power supply and medical care would all be disrupted. Realistically, outages and economic problems would last months or years, and governments would almost certainly need to enforce martial law to prevent large scale rioting.

Preppers might have some….interesting ideas but being prepared for an emergency isn’t one of them. Do you have food supplies at home to last you a month? Water purification if the water grid shuts down for some reason? If not, you might want to think about having that sort of thing.


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