eli5 If you can hear anything in space how are we able to get videos of what Venus or Jupiter sound like?


eli5 If you can hear anything in space how are we able to get videos of what Venus or Jupiter sound like?

In: 14

5 Answers

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Because those videos are clickbait pseudoscience. You can take absolutely any signal and map it to any of the properties of soundwaves (frequency, amplitude, and so on) and create a sound.

I could take the letters of this post and map them to frequency values and create a melody. It wouldn’t really be “The sound of this post” as much as it’d be “the random way I arbitrarily mapped letters to sounds”.

In the case of [“planet sounds”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQL53eQ0cNA) that’s magnetic fields or other types of radiation being mapped to frequencies, amplitudes, or outright to pre-defined tones.

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