Eli5| If you were to drive the *straightest* highway at *immaculate* speeds, would you be able to visualize the curvature of the earth?

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Assuming you wouldn’t explode from going mach ba-gillion in a Camry, and other things barred by a neat thing called physics, if you were going like a hundred thousand miles in a minute, or whatever it takes to clear the entire U.S in an hour. Would it all be straight? Or would the road comically start bending downwards?

In: Physics

6 Answers

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If you somehow managed to drive at a hundred thousand miles pe rminute wou would pretty much just fly straight off of earth. Cause you have waaay bypassed earth’s escape velocity.

The you would continue traveling out, and escape the solar system as well. And once that was done, and a looooong time later, you would escape the milky way going… Well know the hell knows where.

Despite going so fast that you would go flying out of the galaxy, you would still be going a bit less than 1% of the speed of light, which isn’t really relevant to your question, but is still interesting to think about.

So, if you went fast enough, the curvature of the earth would make itself very apperant, when you essentially left the surface and went into space. You would only ever see curvature in your rear view mirror though, as that’s where the earth would be when you are far away enough to see the curve by eye.

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