ELI5. If your body is supposed to recover and heal while you sleep, why do you wake up to your voice gone?


ELI5. If your body is supposed to recover and heal while you sleep, why do you wake up to your voice gone?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you sleep your mucus membranes dry out. Without proper lubrication, you can’t make the vibrations associated with sounds. Typically our body tends to shut down processes we don’t need at night. That’s also why when you wake up, you tend to lose your balance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sleeping with your mouth open. Since I got a cpap I haven’t had this happen except after concerts.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It just happens because your vocal cords get basic airway mucus built up on them that dries out a little. You don’t do things like clear your throat while sleeping, so you need a bit of upkeep work when you wake up.