ELi5: In the Northern Hemisphere, why are the typically warmest days of the year after the longest days of sunlight?


ELi5: In the Northern Hemisphere, why are the typically warmest days of the year after the longest days of sunlight?

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5 Answers

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Because it takes time to heat up the environment primarily the oceans. The result is the average temperature increase so long as the incoming sunlight is more than what is radiated away.

Winter is the coldest in January/February for the same reason but in reverse.

For the same reason the warmest part of the day is not at noon where you get the most light per square meter of ground. It is warmer in the afternoon because the sun can still heat up the ground more.

The coldest part of the day is usually after sunrise. Even if the sun it up it do not initially provide enough energy to counteract what is radiated away.

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