Eli5 is a manufacturing economy or service economy better for national economic growth


Eli5 is a manufacturing economy or service economy better for national economic growth

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3 Answers

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This depends on factors that any society and economy has and in what quantity.

The three main sectors commonly described are the primary sector (mining, farming, resource extraction/refining), the industrial sector (manufacturing of intermediate products or consumer products, and the service sector (banking, entertainment, etc)

If a country is like Saudi Arabia – one could argue that the primary sector has been “better” for their economy for many decades. If a country has a large low cost semi skilled labor pool with access to imported capital and knowhow, the industrial and manufacturing sector might be a “better” bet.

As far as modern economies go, most wealthy and developed economies tend to have a large portion of the workforce engaged in the service sector. Going through history of the last 250 years, one does see a trend of economies transitioning from primary to industrial and then a more dominant service sector.

Having said that, the service sector is rather non-specific. The wealthiest economies tend to be those that have a high concentration of finance oriented activities possibly followed by technology services. Examples like Sri Lanka gives evidence that tourism might not be the most robust service sector.

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