Eli5: Is anxiety or stress beneficial in any way?


Eli5: Is anxiety or stress beneficial in any way?

In: 6

18 Answers

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Assuming you’re talking about everyday anxiety, which most people have, not clinical levels of anxiety: ***Anxiety is helpful because it evolved to protect us from predators*****.** Anxiety is a natural response to threats, both external and internal. For instance, when we feel anxious, we become more alert and aware of our surroundings, and instinctively take action to protect ourselves from potential danger.
In our daily lives, we inevitably deal with stress, and moderate amounts of stress can strengthen us to handle challenges in the future. In the short term, stress is good for memory, alertness, and focus.
***Stress is like exercise***; it can be beneficial in the right amounts, but if done too much, it can cause damage to our mental and physical health.

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