eli5: Is cultured yogurt a similar process or idea to lab grown meat? Could you call it “cultured meat?”


eli5: Is cultured yogurt a similar process or idea to lab grown meat? Could you call it “cultured meat?”

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yogurt is not meat. It is real cream produced by an animal and then infested with bacteria. The bacteria are not meat. They are disconnected single cells and constitute only a fraction of the mass of yoghurt. Meat grown in a lab would be a chunk of muscle, an arrangement of animal cells induced to multiply from a small sample. They would have to form at least a minimal structure to resemble meat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yogurt is not meat. It is real cream produced by an animal and then infested with bacteria. The bacteria are not meat. They are disconnected single cells and constitute only a fraction of the mass of yoghurt. Meat grown in a lab would be a chunk of muscle, an arrangement of animal cells induced to multiply from a small sample. They would have to form at least a minimal structure to resemble meat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yogurt is not meat. It is real cream produced by an animal and then infested with bacteria. The bacteria are not meat. They are disconnected single cells and constitute only a fraction of the mass of yoghurt. Meat grown in a lab would be a chunk of muscle, an arrangement of animal cells induced to multiply from a small sample. They would have to form at least a minimal structure to resemble meat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cultured meat is what they call it when the cows are raised with opera music and wine tastings so that name is already taken

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cultured meat is what they call it when the cows are raised with opera music and wine tastings so that name is already taken

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cultured meat is what they call it when the cows are raised with opera music and wine tastings so that name is already taken

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Cultured” means different things in context.

In the case of meat it means “Grown from a culture in the lab.”

In the context of yogurt it means, “Inoculated with bacterial cultures.”

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Cultured” means different things in context.

In the case of meat it means “Grown from a culture in the lab.”

In the context of yogurt it means, “Inoculated with bacterial cultures.”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Cultured meat is what happens when you leave the leftover hamburger in the fridge till it turns green and fuzzy.

Yogurt uses a quicker, safer, edible process.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Cultured” means different things in context.

In the case of meat it means “Grown from a culture in the lab.”

In the context of yogurt it means, “Inoculated with bacterial cultures.”