ELI5- Is it true that our attention span is shrinking?


Is that even a thing? I definitely noticed that i multitask when playing games sometimes, i have a hard time finishing games or videos because i get bored half way through. And i wasn’t always like that.

In: 6

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re actually not good at multitasking.

Brains are basically meat computers, and computers cannot multitask.

A single processor can do one thing at a time. Every time you hit a key on your keyboard it sends an interrupt to the CPU that tells it “Stop what you’re doing, print this character, and then get back to what you were doing.” It does this so fast that you don’t even notice, and we can do new whizbangery that makes this kind of blurry, but at a basic level that’s what’s going on. Every single thing your computer does goes into a que and and it runs those commands in order.

If you’re watching a movie and playing a game you’re task switching between the two. You jump back and forth between the movie and the game really fast, but you’re still just like a computer: executing one task at a time.

You can test this out yourself. You need a friend or a discord buddy for this though. Find a new game you’ve never played and a movie you’ve never seen. Have the friend watch the movie with you while you play the new game. When the movie is over describe to your friend what the movie was about and some major story beats. You will almost certainly have a hard time. Unless you focus on the movie, in which case you won’t make a lot of progress in the video game.

Here is a little article talking about it


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