Eli5: is oral sex sanitary?


We all know that we have healthy bacteria in our genital region. However, we also all know that unhealthy bacteria love it. Daily sweat causes an odor from “bad” bacteria. So, is oral sex sanitary?

Edit: ALL IM SEEING IS I HAVE TO KEEP GIVING HEAD. oh darn, sucks to suck (literally) LOL

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Kissing isn’t sanitary, either. Or hand holding. But assuming normal societal hygiene and lack of infection disease (e.g, herpes, gonorrhea) our bodies are pretty good at dealing with daily pathogens as they come. Engaging in oral sex is not the only time you are coming in contact with urine, sweat, or feces during the day.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not really, no. But neither is most things in life.

FWIW, sexually intimate couples, particularly ones who live together tend to develop symbiotic internal bacteria.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

You can get chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes etc from oral sex so I wouldn’t call that “sanitary”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on what your ELI5 definition of sanitary is.

Presuming nobody’s got infections, and a reasonable self-hygiene regimen, oral sex isn’t going to get you sick. So that seems ELI5 sanitary to me.

Slightly more in-depth, the normal mouth bacteria and the normal fun zone bacteria don’t particularly want to switch places in a way that’s gonna cause a problem.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The best explanation I saw was that couples just get adapted to each other’s germs over time. No, not sanitary at all, but if you believe the Hygiene Hypothesis, maybe good for us in the long run.