Eli5 is the independent variable independent because it cannot change?


Eli5 is the independent variable independent because it cannot change?

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve never liked these terms much. When I teach/write stats, I prefer to use the terms **response variable** and **explanatory variable** instead of “dependent” and “independent” respectively. Besides avoiding confusion because they don’t sound almost exactly the same, I think they get to the point better.

Let’s say you’re studying variation human height. You’re testing one or several explanatory variables (sex; diet; age) to see if they can help *explain* why some people are short and some people are tall. Height is your response variable, because it’s the effect to which you’re trying to find causes. If your results for sex are significant, this indicates that a person’s height varies *in response to* their sex.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So a function, f, produces the dependent variable, y, based on the value of the independent variable, x.

f(x)=y Run x through function f to find y.

The independent variable can change, hence why it’s called variable.

You can also write a function to give x from y. This is the “inverse function” of f, called f^-1

f^-1 (y)=x Here x and y have swapped around: now y is the independent and x is the dependent.

In general, to decide which of two quantities you want to compare should be written as the independent or the dependent variable, think about cause and effect.

Say you want to know a rocket’s height based on the time after launch. It makes intuitive sense that the rocket’s height is dependent on time, and time is independent of what the rocket is doing. So we put time as the independent variable, and the height as the dependent.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When they say a variable is independent, it’s because it is not explained by the model but rather used as an input to explain something else. The model takes some input (the independent variable – could be whatever number you want) and based on that input, gives you some output (the dependent variable).

Use weight and calories eaten. Which of these would be the independent variable? Hint: which one would impact the other (but doesnt make sense if you flipped it)?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Independence and dependence is a construct that exists only in relation to two or more things.

Johnny only has an apple when he’s holding the Apple. The Apple is the independent in this relationship because it’s an Apple irregardless of Johnny obtaining it.

The Apple rots dependant on time, because the Apple only rots in relation to the passage of time.

There’s lots of dependents that become independents when you change the relationship you’re examining.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I understand you question, I also had trouble with that terminology. It turns out it’s actually quite simple:

The dependent variable (y) is the value that “depends”, meaning it’s the value you can only obtain once you know the value on which it depends (x). We know that’s not entirely true, because on academic exercises your are asked to find either value knowing the other, and some “hipothetic” scenarios.

But, predictions aside, independent variable (x) is the value you put in “the machine” (you could “pick a number” freely) and the dependent variable (y) is the value that “the machine” gives your in return (a non negotiable number, or set of numbers, you can’t choose)

Of course, in a lot of cases this depends on how you phrased the question your function/graph is describing, it’s not set in stone.

I could give you gladly some examples if you want (just trying to keep this reply short)

Edit: answering your question (sorry for the ramp), independent variable is, actually, the opposite. Is the value you can choose freely. Dependent variable is the value you can’t change once you have set the independent value.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Can you elaborate on context? Is this in scientific experiments? Probability and statistics?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your example in the comments is a weird choice. The independent variable is what you manipulate in an experiment. The dependant variable should be altered by those manipulations to the independent variable. Let’s say your experiment was adding gas to a fire to observe flame. The amount of gas added is the independent variable. The height of the flames would be the dependant variable.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So let me get this straight…
The dependent variable is the reaction to an independent variable. Independent variable is by itself and is use to help the dependent variable…?

So for example.

The time span of the human population
Independent variable is the time period.
The human population is the dependent variable.

I can’t change the year but the human population is dependent on the year to change???? Does that even make sense