I’ve been going down a physics rabbit hole with the speed of light on this sub and am honestly blown away. I understand now that the faster you move the slower you experience time.
Is this relationship directly proportional?
i.e. moving at half the speed of light makes you observe time at half the normal speed.
In: 2
No, it’s not linear. We describe the change in measurements of length, time, and other properties that change with velocity using something called the Lorentz factor. The math is beyond the scope of this question, but take a look at [this graph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_factor#/media/File:Lorentz_factor.svg). Velocity is on the x axis, with 0 on the right and c (the speed of light in a vacuum) on the left, and the Lorentz factor is on the right. You can see that it’s not linear – it doesn’t increase very much until you get to a significant fraction of c and then it rapidly increases as you get closer to c.
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