eli5: Is the sun called “sun” or is a sun simply the central star of a solar system?

558 viewsOtherPlanetary Science

I’m writing a work where characters are on a fictional planet not in our solar system. I wanted to refer to the planet’s star/source of light as “the sun” still, but is that correct? Is the sun as we know it the only “sun”, or is sun simply a word to describe our source of light?

In: Planetary Science

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I mean, its a work of fiction. you can call your stories sun whatever you want. Don’t let the internet decide for you what you can call things in your work.

Sun is the name of our star, although it is usually said as a title “The Sun”. But it has had many other names, and Sol is a popular way to rename it and might be use. Same with The Moon, it is literally called The Moon. But since other planets have moons and we call those moons, Luna is often used in scientific papers to refer to it, to make it easier to seperate from other moons.

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