Eli5 is there a below and above in space?


When I look at a solar system drawing there are planets circling the sun and they look like they are in a straight line and level to each other. But is there a below and above? Like if we sent out a camera directly under earth (south pole) would there be planets, stars, etc below Earth?

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13 Answers

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Not ones from our solar system but yes. If you can find the Little Dipper or Ursa Minor which should be close to the Big Dipper and you look at where the nose should be on the bear, you will find Polaris, which at least for now is the “North Star” for Earth, and essentially would be you looking directly up from our North Pole. Depending on what line of latitude you are on will determine at what angle above the horizon you see this star, the further north you are, the more directly above you it will be.

I’m not familiar with the stars in the Southern Hemisphere so maybe someone else will chime in on those.

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