Eli5: Is there a reason roller skates and roller blades don’t have spring shocks?


I was thinking about this the other day…skateboards are flexible, bike tires are bouncy. Why aren’t there “performance” skates with shocks? Wouldn’t that be better for your knees?

In: 2620

39 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but there are a lot of kinds of skates beyond the few basics we all know and love. Including skates with really BIG wheels, like tiny bicycle wheels imagine, and higher off the ground of course as part of that, that you use ski pole type things for moving around with. There are skates made for far rougher terrain than streets. Some are 4-wheel, some are inline 3-wheel, some are more like skating platforms. Blows my mind. I think some of these might have the equivalent of at least flex in them.

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