eli5 is there a scientific explanation or reason for intrusive thoughts or call of the void


Why do we have these thoughts, like driving down the road and just feel like swearing or being High up and feel like jumping down

In: 335

23 Answers

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I have a theory that there are different loci of cognition in the brain with competing inputs, but a particular one of them generally gets its way almost all of the time. The overruled loci are in something of a power struggle with the preferred one, each seeing an incomplete portion of all sensory input and having an incomplete cognitive toolkit for decision-making.

In this framework, intrusive thoughts are the demands of one or more subject loci, clamoring for power inside their grey milieu.

Also, we like intoxication and substance abuse because it temporarily upsets this detente and shunts more decision-making power towards cognitive loci that are generally denied it.

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