Eli5 is there an altitude where wind stops?


I understand there is no wind in space, and that air gets thinner the higher up you go, but is there a point in height from the surface, before space, where there is no more wind?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Good question.

In a sense yes. I can’t give you an answer to your question but maybe if you read about Felix Baumgartner’s skydive from the edge of space you might find an answer to where that point is.

I think he didn’t sense any air resistance at the start of the skydive because the air was so thin.

If the air is so thin that it doesn’t register on an anemometer then essentially wind doesn’t exist.

There won’t be a specific altitude because wind depends on air density. That point would change based on air density. Air density is going to change based upon ever changing environmental factors.

For example, a 20 mph wind has more force at 30 degrees than it does at 90 degress because the air itself is thinner at higher temperatures.

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