eli5: is there any evidence that all of those copper infused clothing work?


eli5: is there any evidence that all of those copper infused clothing work?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Uhm, what are they supposed to do?

Copper is a poison to many microbes, so there is evidence that it can reduce body odor by killing bacteria.

But if you’re looking for magical healing effects on sore muscles then thats just marketing lies and pseudoscience

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mostly those magical affects is what I’m wondering about, there are a ton of products and I always wondered why it hasn’t died out as a fad I feel like I’ve seen them advertised since I was 5.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of them are socks and gloves that offer compression + magic copper healing.

Compression works. Compression socks and gloves can offer support, improve blood flow and relieve some pain.

The copper is bs