Eli5 is there no such thing as cold?


My SO said the above statement and gave me an explanation “Cold is the absence of heat or energy”, it does make sense however in my head it is like saying (in very simplistic terms) “the countryside is the absence of a city” and that is just a ridiculous statement.

In: 66

45 Answers

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Cold is like having one hundred people (people being atoms)walk very slowly in an enclosed space. It gives time for the people walking slowly to interact with each other if they want to (form bonds and other cool chemical stuff for atoms). Being Hot is those 100 running as fast as they can in that enclosed space, they don’t have time to talk to each other since they’re running so quick and they bump off of each other, sometimes causing you rip something from those people by accident.

And what dictates whether they walk or run? Energy. It’s not so much the absence of energy, but the level of energy that determines hot or cold. Absence of energy has never been seen or recreated in a lab, as far as we know it’s possible but it’s never been seen. Hope that helps!

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