There is way too much panic over storing nuclear waste.
Energy can’t be destroyed, so the energy unused in waste has actually existed in uranium ore, in earth, since forever.
The density of energy might be different due to decay chains – but you don’t really need to store it in a much different way than an undiscovered uranium mine: rely on whoever scavanges to use some fucking commmon sense and maybe if he’s a scavanger – have a geiger meter?
And put a panel on it.
This whole “what do we do with nuclear waste” debacle seems way blown out with proportion.
What do you do with natural radiation sources?
You stay the fuck away from them.
It’s not like waste is artificially created extra dangerous energy created by humans, we’re just cleaning up a large area (a mine) of radiation and concentrating it in a small area.
That is implicitly safer, randos walking in caves and digging around are more commoj than randos walking in nuclear storage sites.
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