Yes, all the green options you listed are reliant on something happening in nature, aka, sunny days, windy days etc.
And they all suffer from uneven output and solar even suffers from highest output at lowest consumption.
Nuclear is a way more steady and stable power source, unfortunately nuclear creates nuclear fuel, and in the event of a natural disaster (or just irresponsible maintenance) can result in a whole lot of damage ecologically and monetarily.
Solar panels don’t really harm the environment and can be placed on top of buildings that are already in place.
Wind turbines are actually a hazard to birds and bats.
Nuclear is a good option for the time being, but not as good as solar/wind IF we can solve the issues I mentioned before.
We even have far superior reactor designs today than were ever in service, but it requires a huge investment to build a nuclear power plant, and people generally don’t want one near them.
Oil companies and various other groups have been lobbying and swaying public opinion on nuclear for a while making sure people are at best sceptical, and since politicians follow public opinion, nobody would sign off on the permit for a new plant because they will be loathed by the uneducated masses
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