Eli5 Kernel version.


Hi. I need to know what a kernel version is. Like what is 5.10 or 4.14 after a kernel in an Android. Thank you.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The kernel is the layer (i.e. “kernel space”) between the hardware and the “user space” of the OS. It is the lowest level of software and provides an interface for the user space to interact with the hardware.

In general your kernel regulates hardware usage of subscribers in the user space (ex: apps or programs) , and in a similar method provides security through isolation of resources.

For example, the kernel ensures App A cannot read from memory data that is being used by App B.

If two different apps want to use Bluetooth, it ensures both apps have access without one hogging it from the other.

As for kernel updates, they are very likely not going to make a noticeable difference on your end. Many updates are just providing new security features, support for hardware standards, improvements for different models of computers/phones, etc.

This page shows the patch notes for the most recent Linux kernel: https://kernelnewbies.org/LinuxChanges#Linux_6.3.Graphics

It’s an insane amount of changes, but gives you an idea of what actually is changed (it’ll sound mostly like gibberish for the unfamiliar).

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