Eli5 light speed faster in black hole?


I’ve heard that if you were to fall into a black hole your image would freeze midway and it would seem like you never left a certain state and your past image would be frozen there in time.

But doesn’t this mean that light is faster than the needed speed to espcape the black hole which is faster than light and if it would supposedly be hawkings radiation wouldn’t it be scrambled by that weird quantum connection thingys i heard in videos

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This is because new light isn’t getting out. If someone observed you falling into a black hole, all the light that you produce or reflect will be have a hard time getting out, too. When you cross the event horizon (point where light will no longer escape), your image will freeze as there is no new light escaping in the direction of the observer. Light that has already escaped will take time to reach the observer proportionate to how closely it was produced from the event horizon, causing that light arrive over a sustained period of time, like a smear in time. The last light that you send will take the longest time to reach your observer.

That stretched light still image would eventually turn red, as the stretching from gravity lengthens the wave of light. As more of the light reaches the observer, it then stretches into infrared, radio on it’s way to black where it becomes lost in the cosmic microwave background – effectively gone.