eli5: Losing weight


I’m just confused on how losing weight actually works. So if I cut myself down to 1500 calories a day, I would have to burn like 2000 calories to lose weight? That just seems like a lot of exercising to me, especially because I’m juggling a job and highschool still. Could you guys explain it to me in a better sense?

In: Biology

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Every night to keep warm, you need to burn 3 logs of wood in the stove.

Every morning, you go out into the forest and get 4 new logs.

One day, you realize you have 100 extra logs, far more extra than you ever need.

This is how you gain weight.

So you start collecting only 2 logs every day, because even though you have extra, you want to keep the routine (not feel like you’re starving).

Many days later, you’ve used 75 of your 100 extra logs and are down to 25 extra, a healthy backup.

That how you lose weight.


Read the r/fitness wiki article Losing Weight 101 ([https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/](https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/)) for more detailed information.

PS: After you read the Wiki you’ll get why I say this: you’re probably already burning 2000 calories a day just by being alive, especially in your teens.

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