eli5 Mac/Linux App Installation vs Windows Application Installation difference


This is something I’ve always wondered. Whevenever I install apps on my Mac it has just been a simple drag to the Application folder.

With Windows however, it’s always a series of steps that an installer has to do to make the application run.

Wonder why this is so. What is exactly happening when I’m installing something on a Windows vs a Mac. Windows just makes installation seem like a complicated process

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Installing an application basically involves making a folder in the appropriate OS location, copying the program’s files into it, and setting some per-user settings (which the OS controls and swaps around for different users that are logged in). Different operating systems handle this is different ways.

In Windows this is handled by an installer program that makes the folder in the “program files” folder, then extracts the files from it’s data area into there, and finally asks Windows to set the settings in the registry. This installer program requires you to press “next” after each part because… reasons?

In MacOS the program and all it’s files appear like one file and you copy the whole folder into the “applications” folder. (To see what’s really inside the folder you can right-click an application and click “show package contents”). Settings are placed in the library when the program is first run.

In Linux you download the source code, find it requires a bunch of other helper programs to be installed first, download those too, compile them all, and put everything into the right locations on the hard drive. Luckily there are package manager programs that handle all this for you.

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