Eli5 : Melvin Moss’ Functional Matrix Theory in growth and development


Also functional Matrix theory revisited and Neurotropism theory associated with it.

Need to give a seminar on the topic soon and the whole of it feels quite intangible even though I understand parts of it!,

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imagine you want to build a Lego castle, but you also want to put little Lego knights inside. The Lego knights represent your teeth and the Lego castle is like your jaw.
According to Melvin Moss’ Functional Matrix Theory, the castle (or your jaw) doesn’t just grow bigger on its own. Instead, it grows and changes shape based on the knights (or your teeth) that need to fit inside.
So, if a knight with a really tall hat comes along, the castle might grow taller towers to make room. Or if a wider knight on a horse shows up, the castle doors might become wider.
This is how your jaw grows according to the Functional Matrix Theory. It doesn’t just grow for no reason, but it responds and changes based on what your teeth (and other parts of your body) need. That way, everything fits together perfectly, just like in a well-built Lego castle.