Eli5 money laundering in Scarface


In the movie Scarface, Montana is exchanging cash for cheques from Seidelbaum. What business does Seidelbaum run that he is able to offer cheques to Montana in such a way to launder money. Wouldn’t a cheque from his business for hundred of thousands of dollars be a red flag? What does Seidelbaum do with the cash he gets from Montana (doesn’t he in turn need to launder all that money ?)

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4 Answers

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It sounds like you’re asking how money laundering works. The process takes unaccounted cash from undocumented transactions, puts it on the books of a legal cash- intensive business (the front), and returns a portion as traceable income for the original person.

Businesses historically used for fronts were car washes, laundromats, restaurants, especially buffets where there could be a large waste. The return transaction could be documented as a purchase of consumables used such as soap, food, or excessive rates for maintenance or cleaning services.

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