I live in Australia and when the moon isn’t full it always appears to fill up from the bottom up. So a new moon looks like a croissant with the curved side facing down. But on northern hemisphere flags like Turkey for example it appears as a croissant standing up with the curve facing left. Does the moon appear to wax and wane from top to bottom or left to right in different parts of the world?
In: 2168
Take a look at [this diagram](https://www.sciencealert.com/images/2018-11/TheMoonsOrientation.jpg).
Since the moon’s orientation stays the same but people’s orientation essentially flips depending on which hemisphere you’re standing on means the moon looks like it’s flipping as well.
Edit: whoever made the diagram didn’t quite get it correct though, the small moon images are rotated 180degrees rather than being flipped / mirrored as they should be.
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