I live in Australia and when the moon isn’t full it always appears to fill up from the bottom up. So a new moon looks like a croissant with the curved side facing down. But on northern hemisphere flags like Turkey for example it appears as a croissant standing up with the curve facing left. Does the moon appear to wax and wane from top to bottom or left to right in different parts of the world?
In: 2168
I had a girlfriend from Australia. One night, camping out way out somewhere in Queensland, the sky was incredible. The moon was coming up over a low mountain to the east.
I said, “it’s weird. Where’s the man🌚?
She flipped out and told me I was a child and to grow up.
Honestly, in the northern hemisphere I can see a specific ugly, punched in the face man. It took a while to figure out that I needed to stand on my head and then look at the moon.
Later, I got into yoga.
I think she was upset because we were “camping out” because I brought her there with a shitty car.
The real answer is — the crescent changes from a U shape (or curve down) to a C shape over the course of winter to summer Due to the earth’s tilt.
The degree of effect is based on how far from the equator the observer is.
The difference between N/S hemispheres, it’s likely you’re comparing locations at different (inverse) latitudes. Melbourne is fairly close to Madrid, so much of Europe is more extreme
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