problem is not whats more import or export but the value of each. for example (imaginary)
i export coffee, persian rugs, warmaschines, tools and cloths for big $$$$$
i import some fish, some wood and maybe something to drink for low $
if you make more money with your exports you dont run out of money.
A simplified way to think about this is to break down a country’s economy into three components:
* Domestic market
* Foreign trade
* Investments
Import and exports are about foreign trade, but the economy in country like the US can have massive domestic market and investments.
E.g., the United States every year imports $500 *billion* more goods than it exports (2019 figures), but in comparison the total size of the US economy (GDP) is around $21 *trillion*.
So even though the US is a net importer, generally the US economy remains strong because of a robust domestic market and large amount of capital investments.
How much you import/export hasn’t got to do with making or losing money. A country can have 100% imports and make money. Because they resell those goods and services at a higher price. A really simple example is I import a phone from China and resell it for 100 profit. Now imagine lots of companies buying materials, parts, services etc and doing the same thing. Import /export is just a way of seeing a countries competitive advantage in a way. Hence manafacturing heavy countries like China and India may have higher exports than imports.
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