Eli5 on why do planets spin?


Eli5 on why do planets spin?

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25 Answers

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Think of a sheet that’s pulled tight by it’s corners. Throws some marbles on the sheet of significant weight to pull the other marbles in on each other. As the marbles collide, they impart a bit of their energy on the other marbles. They move to a center position and circle around a bit before eventually stopping. NOW, remove the sheet and imagine this marbles in space, with no friction. Instead of eventually stopping, the marbles keep moving, eventually all spinning at the center of gravity. Now imagine the marbles are atoms and molecules that make up a planet.

When all the particles start to converge, they impart their momentum on each other, colliding and orbiting until they all start to press up against one another to form a single shape, a planet. AND because there’s no friction in space, there’s nothing to stop the total momentum of the system from continuing forward. Thus, spin.

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