Eli5: Plane Seating


When on a commercial plane why do all the passengers sit up right. I understand they are trying to fit the most amount of people in the smallest amount of space. Couldn’t all the seats become more like beds, oriented horizontal with everyone laying down, and they could be stacked vertically. If this isn’t an option they could at least have all the seats pre set at a heavy recline angle, I just see on most flights over 2 hours everyone is trying to rest up. Surprised that one of the airlines hasn’t started to cater to an aspect like this.

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12 Answers

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Most people don’t want to lie down unless it’s an overnight flight. Lying down also makes it very hard to serve food and drinks and to secure passengers in place. Also, to still be able to board the same number of passengers, you’d need to stack bunk beds vertically with not much space in between (likely with the bottom bunk barely above floor level) which would make it very difficult for passengers to get in and out. This would not only be inconvenient (and likely take much longer to board and deplane), but also a huge safety problem when it comes to evacuating the plane. It’s also a security issue if cabin crew can’t easily see all passengers.

Bunks are also just harder to construct than chairs. Chairs are all just mounted on the floor of the aircraft cabin. Bunks (at least the higher ones) would have to be suspended from something.

If you’re imagining seats that simply recline much further into a (near-)supine position, that exists, but it’s called first class. You can’t fit nearly as many people that way so every ticket with this luxury has to be much more expensive.

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