Eli5: Practically speaking, how is praxeology different than psychology?


Whenever I read or hear that a “praxeology is a way to deduce behavior” vs how psychology is “an induction of behavior through the scientific method” the explanations make sense but I still don’t have a solid grasp of what’s exactly different about either from a practical sense. For example what is an issue or question that would be answered by only praxeology vs a question that can only be answered by psychology? I can see how economics deals with praxeological assumptions about scarcity but that’s about as much I can muster mentally towards understanding this dilemma. I haven’t found a way to wrap my head around it the nuanced differences and I need help.

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4 Answers

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Tldr: Praxeology and psychology are different ways of studying human action. Praxeology uses logic to derive universal laws from the action axiom. Psychology uses observation and experimentation to test hypotheses about human behavior.

Praxeology is based on the idea that humans act purposefully, meaning they have goals and preferences that guide their choices. Psychology is based on the idea that humans act as a result of internal events, such as emotions, thoughts, and instincts. Praxeology uses logical deduction from the action axiom, which states that men act purposefully, to derive universal laws of human action. Psychology uses empirical observation and experimentation to test hypotheses about human behavior.

An example of a question that can only be answered by praxeology is: What are the necessary conditions for economic calculation? Praxeology can answer this question by deducing from the action axiom that economic calculation requires private property, free markets, and money. An example of a question that can only be answered by psychology is: Why do some people have phobias? Psychology can answer this question by examining the causes and effects of fear and anxiety in different individuals.

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