Eli5 Professional sports salary caps


I read about some new salary cap “curtains” in the NBA next year and realized I don’t understand the NBA salary cap or MLB or NFL. Would someone please elaborate on them for me.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The rules and penalties for each league are different. For NFL and NBA all teams have a maximum amount of money they can spend on players salary you can not go above that. Anything above that and they receive hefty penalties and fines. For MLB I believe they have something different that is called a luxury tax which means that if you spend more than certain amount of money in players salary you have to pay a “tax” it sounds the same but for NBA & NFL you have to comply with the salir y cap. For MLB the luxury tax is there to discourage teams from spending but it doesn’t it prevent it. For NFL and NBA is meant to keep the over spending from happening.

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