eli5 rev matching


Make it simple…..what exactly is “rev matching ” how do you determine the RPM for the speed you’re going?

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5 Answers

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Car manuals used to have a shift table telling when to shift. According to speed and and tach meter.

The point of rev matching is to have the engine close to the same speed as the transmission when you clutch in.
If the speeds donc match, you will lose (a small amount) of time and risk losing traction in slippery conditions.

To determine what Rmp to rev to…. Just look at the tach when you up shift. If going 50km/h in 2nd speed is when you shift to 3rd and the Tachmeter shows 4000rpm. Then any time you downshift into 2nd gear at 50km/h you should try and have the engine at 4000 rpm.

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