Eli5 Robert Rescorlas experiment, and why it’s important?


Eli5 Robert Rescorlas experiment, and why it’s important?

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Robert Rescorla was a scientist who conducted an experiment to help understand how animals learn. In his experiment, he had a little animal called a “rat” try to find its way through a maze to get to a special treat. As the rat was moving through the maze, Robert would sometimes make a loud noise to see how the rat would react. He discovered that the rat would get scared and run away from the noise, even if it wasn’t actually in any danger. This helped Robert understand that animals (and people, too!) can learn to be afraid of certain things, even if those things aren’t really dangerous. This is important because it helps us understand how we can teach animals (and people) to be afraid of things that are actually dangerous, like fire or poisonous snakes, so they can stay safe.