ELI5, Schizophrenic Voices. Are they “legitimate” voices in your head, or more like an extra intrusive normal voice similar to you saying to yourself in your head, “I need to buy bread today”.


ELI5, Schizophrenic Voices. Are they “legitimate” voices in your head, or more like an extra intrusive normal voice similar to you saying to yourself in your head, “I need to buy bread today”.

In: 9302

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have a friend that was diagnosed in University.

He said when he was on the bus he would hear people making remarks about him or straight up swearing at him. He though this was 100% real because he didn’t know he had a mental illness at this point.

He also said when he was at his home, he would hear people walking by talking about breaking in to kill him. This led to him duct taping blankets over all his windows and locking himself in his room at all times.

Luckily(?) he is an incredibly mild-mannered, non-confrontational person so he just tried to ignore all of this. It wasn’t until he mentioned how abusive people on the bus were being towards him that we caught on that he may need help. We hadn’t seen the windows in his room as he went to University in a different city than the rest of our friend group and none of us had been to visit him yet.

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