ELI5, Schizophrenic Voices. Are they “legitimate” voices in your head, or more like an extra intrusive normal voice similar to you saying to yourself in your head, “I need to buy bread today”.


ELI5, Schizophrenic Voices. Are they “legitimate” voices in your head, or more like an extra intrusive normal voice similar to you saying to yourself in your head, “I need to buy bread today”.

In: 9302

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Functioning schizophrenic here. For me personally I hear people shouting my name, or loud knocking/explosions in the near vicinity. It sounds like someone is in the same room as you, speaking directly to you.

I also suffer from visual snow, light sensitivity, after images, like I’m permanently coming up on a trip.

There’s no inside my head or intrusive thoughts. There is getting interrupted mid sentence by someone who is not there. I have been off and on seroquel since I was a teen. I overdosed at 15 and was legally dead for a few minutes and resuscitated. I don’t know how but all of the shit I took flipped a switch in my head that shut it down pretty good. I only have issues now when I am absurdly tired. But I can usually figure out when I’m tripping pretty quick.

I have a good job, lots of hobbies and have raised an awesome daughter who turned 7 this year. I know others struggle much more than me, but for the things I deal with I think I get along fine.

I did have some pretty bad episodes after my father’s suicide, me and my brother had to clean out the truck, I’ve been around death quite a bit from working at a prison and brain smell is very specific, knowing that smell was from my dad’s brain fucked me up from April to July this past year. Not because of his death but because we finally became friends and really close after being at each other’s throats my whole life, I had 2 fantastic years before he died and I felt like I was robbed from my soul.

Do not be afraid to seek help, there are shitty people who will try to use it against you but above all put your health first. Having a decent schedule, and exercising will do wonders for your mental health.

I know this is all over the place but I needed to vent a little.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This may get lost but I’ll tell it anyway. My voice is singular, her name is Alice and she spends her day continually telling me how shit I am at everything, that people don’t believe what I’m telling them, that people just humour me in day to day things. When I’m more stressed the louder she is. She’ll tell me the worst things about myself and tell me things i didnt even think i had to worry about. The more people around the worse she is. She caused alot of pain for me during my teenage years, especially as I was told its hormonal and I’d grow out of it. Well I’m 33 now and still wondering when it’ll stop!

She’s got a high pitched voice, almost childlike. She’s in my head at the back like shes sitting on my occipital bone or she’s speaking in my right ear.

She started when I was 13, I went into therapy at 15, did a small stint in the priory for suicidal tendencies and then haven’t been seen regularly since I was 19. When I found out I was pregnant they did a welfare check to make sure I was of sound mind and wasn’t a danger to a baby.

I have very low periods, the last 18months has been especially hard and I’ve been on the NHS waiting list for a therapy appointment for 12 months.